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OCIMF presents at the Trieste Marine Safety Symposium
OCIMF presents at the Trieste Marine Safety Symposium
On 20 September 2019 OCIMF supported member company OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH as they held their first symposium on marine and oil terminal safety in Trieste, Italy.
More than 90 attendees from vessel operators, oil companies, authorities, shipping registers, cargo expeditors, port chemists, agents and anti-pollution companies participated in the symposium. OCIMF presented on the SIRE programme and the development of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, Sixth Edition (ISGOTT) alongside OMV’s regional partners Adriatic Vetting S.r.l. and Transalpine Pipeline (TAL).
The day was dedicated to discussing the stringent safety measures around Trieste’s crude terminal and TAL pipeline network, which account for more than 90% of the crude supply to OMV’s refineries in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. In the morning participants visited the terminal at Società Italiana per l’Oleodotto Transalpino Terminal (SIOT) in the middle of the city to learn about the sensitivities of the terminal’s location from SIOT Marine Supervisors and Pier Masters. The afternoon agenda was filled with presentations from OMV, TAL, OCIMF, INTERTANKO, the Coast Guard and local tug services.
Since 2008 our services improve the safety of tankers and help raise industry standards.
Mr. Olaf Rebulla and Capt. Stefano Costanzo – already partners in the company Rebulla Surveyors operating in the oil business and general cargo surveys since 1980 – founded Adriatic Vetting in 2008 with the intent to supply a variety of targeted and high-level services for oil tankers relating to the field of SAFETY.
It always seems impossible until is done
Via C. Beccaria 13
34133 Trieste, Italy
+39 040 630588